Wiknic US Strategy Salons
Apply for a Wiknic Strategy Salon grant for a US location from Wikimedia NYC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wiknic
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Email *
What is your Wikimedia username? *
What is your name? *
What usergroup or informal group do you represent? *
Would you like to apply for a $250 microgrant for a Wiknic Strategy Salon? Note that you will ask you to account for your expenses with receipts for reimbursement. *
How would you spend the $250? (how much for food vs other expenses)
When are where will you hold your event? (you can give preliminary info) *
What is the meetup page for your Wiknic?
How will you document and summarize outcome of discussions of your event?
What state(s) would you like to target with the centralnotice banner? *
Would you like a subdomain of wiknic.org to be a redirect to your meetup page? (something.wiknic.org)
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